trump crimes & misdeeds (a long list); It should’ve been over when he…

trump is not fit for office. Any ONE of these things should’ve ended his political career. What else am I missing (add to comments)? It should’ve been over when he:

  • Called Mexicans rapists and criminals
  • Said he can “grab them by the pussy” because he’s famous
  • Cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star; then paid her to cover it up to win the 2016 election
  • Colluded with Russia to flood internet with lies to help win 2016 election
  • Mocked the disabled
  • Said “there was blood coming out of her wherever”
  • Refused to provide an orderly transition to Biden
  • Made it easier for the mentally ill to get guns as his very first official act
  • Said there were “good people on both sides” of a white supremacy march
  • Called for a Total Muslim Ban
  • Put Kids in Cages / separating families on purpose
  • Said he didn’t like war heroes who were captured
  • Said windmills cause cancer
  • Called women who opposed him “fat pigs”, “dogs”, “slobs”
  • Threw paper towels at hurricane victims
  • Tried to take away healthcare (his plan’s coming in 2 weeks)
  • Said he could shoot someone and wouldn’t lose voters, so it would be OK
  • Called the Free Press the “Enemy of the People”
  • Invented “Alternate Facts” & “Fake News”
  • Suggested we “Inject bleach”
  • Mocked gold star families
  • Called non MAGAs “vermin”
  • Wanted to pull out of NATO
  • Caused 700,000+ COVID deaths (freezer trucks as overflow morgues)
  • Said Coveffe
  • Cozied up to dictators (Putin, Kim, Xi); alienating our allies
  • Violated the Emoluments clause
  • Bashed LGBTQ
  • Normalized white supremacy
  • Made one of his many incoherent rants
  • Rage Tweeted
  • Scammed Trump University “students”
  • Sent Thoughts & Prayers
  • Said if Ivanka wasn’t his daughter, he’d date her
  • Covered up the Khashoggi bonesaw murder 
  • Got $2 billion from Saudi’s to Jared and Ivanka
  • Committed Rape
  • Refused to visit military graves because it was raining
  • Flushed classified docs down toilet; burned them in fireplace
  • Stole 3 SCOTUS seats; appointed Federalist Society cronies and rapists
  • Committed Bank Fraud, Tax Fraud, Insurance Fraud
  • Stole from Charity
  • Violated Campaign finance law
  • Used campaign donations to pay his legal fees
  • Said “you knew I was a snake before you took me in”
  • Threw ketchup and dishes at the walls
  • Hired criminals to cabinet positions
  • Sold white house access to highest bidders
  • Threated & tampered with witnesses
  • Asked for Golden Showers
  • Made up allegations against innocent election workers
  • Used military to clear a park for a photo op 
  • Used Sharpie to move a hurricane
  • Suggested nuking hurricanes
  • Looked into subs during an eclipse
  • Said there were airports to defend during the Revolutionary War
  • Denied the outcome of the election
  • Said “I just need 11,780 votes”
  • Had Mein Kampf on his bedside
  • Buried his ex-wife on his golf course
  • Said Mike Pence deserved to be hanged
  • Said women who get abortions should face the death penalty
  • Encouraged book bans
  • Stacked classified documents in his bathroom
  • Blackmailed Zelensky to try to make him investigate Biden
  • Incited the Jan 6 Insurrection
  • Recruited fake electors; tried to overturn the 2020 election 
  • Said Russia can “do whatever it wants”
  • Claims to have “absolute immunity”

Don’t forget his record long before he even was running for president:

  • 1970’s – found guilty of racist housing discrimination
  • 1980’s – sold condos to organized crime; exposed ties to mob
  • 80’s & 90’s – called for death penalty for Central Park 5; never apologized even after it was clear they were innocent
  • 2000’s – Trump University fraud
  • 2010’s – Created Birtherism
  • Dodged the draft (Bone Spurs)

Trump is not fit for office.

Never Forget!  

(What am I missing from my list?)

Any one should’ve been enough. But one at a time can be rationalized by MAGAs, like a frog in boiling water. But when you add them all up…

Meme version of this post:

It should've been over for trump when he...




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