trump is worse than most people remember; Never Forget just how terrible life was under trump

We’re too quick to forget all or trump’s awfulness. Never forget:

trump is classless: “grab them by the pussy”; “good people on both sides” of a white supremacy march; mocked the disabled; mocked war heroes who were captured….

trump policies were awful: Muslim Bans, Kids in Cages; Blew out the deficit;

trump is incompetent: 1 million COVID deaths, freezer trucks as morgues

trump is an idiot: inject them with bleach? look into a solar eclipse?

trump causes chaos: Rage Tweets; unpredictable

trump talks a lot but doesn’t do much: his healthcare policy is still 2 weeks away; “only I can fix it”

trump appointed 3 of the worst SCOTUS Judges: his Supreme Court appointees are radical, extremists, activists, corrupt, lying…basically terrible.

trump is a criminal: 91 felonies and counting; he’s already been found guilty of rape

trump may have dementia now….

I used to be a republican my whole life before trump. My 90 year old mom in red Ohio was a Republican her whole life before trump. We are now Democrats. We have not changed at all but the Republican Party sure has. The GOP used to stand for fiscal responsibility but blew out the deficit under trump. The GOP used to represent the middle class but now they only represent the elite top 1%. Republicans used to stand for freedom, small government, and states rights, but now they want to tell us what books to read, who to love, what to do with our bodies, which parents’ opinions matter, etc. Republicans now routinely attack the free press, want Christianity in schools & laws (even though the Constitution forbids this). They used to stand for family values but now they continue to support politicians who are criminals.

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