Voting is like chess or taking the bus. There’s no perfect candidate so vote for whoever gets you closest to where you want to be. Voters HATE trump much more than they dislike Biden

Voting is like chess or taking the bus. There are no perfect candidates. Vote for the one who gets you closest to where you want to be.

Pay no attention to primaries, nor to polls this early. When it comes to a general election, even if people perceive it to be the lesser of two evils* they hate trump more.

—Dems don’t like Biden as much as they should and wish they had a younger option.

—But Dems & Independents & even many Republicans HATE trump with a passion.

That’s a recipe for a Biden landslide

* For what’s worth I disagree that Biden is the lesser of two evils. I think he’s doing a much better job than he gets credit for. But even assuming most feel that way – as usual – they hate trump more.

A vote is a chess move for the best candidate for your issues even if not perfect
Voting is like taking the bus, take the one going closest to where you want to go, even if they don't get you all the way there
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